In this movie about, a team find clues by origin of mankind and following the clues to find those forerunners called Engineers. In this a humanoid alien drinks a liquid that cause its body dissolve. The body fell in cascade and its DNA was recombined. In 2048, archaeologist Elizabeth shaw and charlie discover a star map in Scotland that match some other ancient script. They explain that was a invitation from Engineers. So they are travelling in the space to find them. The space ship called Prometheus. its landed on unknown planet cause of some signal interruption. They find some stone cylinders and find the statue of humanoid alien inside. They found the head of alien but its exploded cause of high frequency but its DNA match to the human. A robot named David take a sample from the cylinder. The sample look like a black liquid so David test that to charlie and dark liquid mixed in wine. then Charlie and Shaw having sex and the liquid transfer to another body and it's become alien in shaw's body then shaws found the she was pregnant. Then she scan and know that is a alien. Charlie died cause of the dark liquid.Then shaw do self operation and remove the alien and she liked it's in a room. David going inside the stone cylinder place and find that is a space craft of them and knows their history. In the history the alien come from the space and killed with the black liquid. All People died in the planet. David knows to activate the space craft. Then the old man arrives that place. David secretly work for the old man who raises the fund of this plan. David wake the humanoid alien from sleeping mode. The old man ask to the Engineer to give that what he want. And the humanoid alien killed the old man and attack david. Then Engineer reactivate the space craft and its plan for releasing dark liquid on the Earth. Shaw and the chief knows this. The chief and remaining crew sacrifice themself by ramming the prometheus into the alien space craft and its crashes on the ground. Then shaw goes to the life boat and the alien grows gigantic. The engineer attacks the shaw, who release the alien from the room then Engineer and an alien kill one by one. Shaw recovers David body to launch another engineer spacecraft. David knows that, her intends to reach the Engineers homeworld to understand why they wanted to destroy humanity. In the life boat, an alien creature bursts out of the engineer's chest. Then what happened .............see in next part.
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